Phoenix Francis Have a Heart Campaign - Congenital Heart Defect Awareness
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Phoenix Francis was born May 7, 2006 with a condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.

Phoenix was scheduled to receive a heart transplant at birth but plans quickly changed when Phoenix became very sick and it appeared that a donor heart would not become available in time to save his precious life.

Phoenix was taken in for reconstructive heart surgery at four days old. The surgery planned to make the smaller right side of the heart able to function for itself, as well as for the left side which was too underdeveloped to function at all.

Phoenix pulled through his long 10 hour surgery and was seemingly doing well for the first 4 hours afterwards, until he "crashed". His wounded heart, unable to sustain all that it had been through, stopped working. He was then placed on an ECMO machine which was used to beat the heart while removing the blood from the body, re-oxygenating it and then restoring it to the body, keeping him and his organs alive.

Phoenix with his Mommy & Daddy, Ashleigh & DarrenPhoenix was weaned off the ECMO machined at day 7, which is longest that they wanted him to remain on it, and he seemed to be doing well. He was still intubated (had a breathing machine) but had that since day 2 of his life and was being weaned off most medications that where helping his heart to work properly.

The problem was because his heart had become swollen during surgery his chest had remained open to give the swelling time to go down, but Phoenix's heart had become accustom to having that extra room inside the chest and after many attempts to close it, his heart just could not sustain it and it would set him back further and further each and every time.

Phoenix had a long and bumpy road during his short 6 weeks of life but they were filled with unconditional, unfaltering and never ending love. Unfortunately on June 23rd his little body could take no more and Phoenix passed away peacefully in my (his mommy's) arms from multiple organ failure and complications caused from this disorder, HLHS.

Phoenix is gone but never forgotten. He touched so many lives and his legacy will live on forever. They say the lose of a child is the most difficult thing any person would ever have to endure, and this unfortunately is an understatement. But although we have days of complete horror and heartbreak over the loss of our son we also have days of great joy and wonder with our two beautiful girls and know that we will see our sweet son again someday.

I have set up this web site in memory of Phoenix to help everyone to remember one fallen angel and to encourage people to help all those children out there like him. I will update you on his "buddies" that are still continuing there battles and guide you through there ups and downs as well as remembering and celebrating the lives of the other "fallen angels" who are now resting in a better place with our "little man". Thank you for joining and for helping us in keeping the spirit of our sweet baby boy alive.

Ashleigh Stewart-Francis